In the next weeks, we will be working on our senior project. I have chosen to write about Obama and compare his popularity in the US and in Europe. I will be answering the following questions: Why is he having problems on the popularity poll? Why do Europeans like Obama better than the Americans?
I chose this topic because I find it interesting that he is more popular outside of his own country. This will be a good opportunity for me to learn about Obama's politics and the people's reaction to his decisions.
In this semester I will work on preparing for class and pay more attention to the topics we are working on. I want to be prepared to the final exams, so that is my motivation for paying extra attention this semester. The topics we learn about in this class are all important to know something about. And it might be an advantage to studies later in my life.
I think the topic sounds interesting and I look forward to reading more about it. I'm also glad you are planning to work harder in this class this semester.
SvarSlettIt sounds like an interesting topic to base a senior project on. I am especially looking forward to reading about the reasons he is so popular in Europe :)
SvarSlettThis sounds like a very interesting topic to write about, I actually thought of writing about it myself. i think it would be nice if you shared some of the things you find out with the rest of the class.
SvarSlettI also think your topic sounds very interesting, and I hope you will find some answers to why the Europeans seems to like Obama more than his own citizens. Good luck! =)